Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010


Meilida Wardhani
Accounting F

page 96
exercise 2
1. Elizabeth
’s classmates knew that she would win the top award in chemistry during her senior year at Colombia University.
First, she had studied chemistry during her sophomore and junior years.Second, she never missed a class.Third, she performed every required experiment in all her chemistry courses. Fourth, she always worked hard.
2. While standing in front of the information desk in library, I saw some students using the files in the reference room some distance away . Much closer to me, two students were quietly and seriously talking about a book.About 15 feet away from me, an old lady wearing a large red hat put on her glasses. She was studying a rare book in one of the locked display cases.
We must all use our right to vote. When she went to the polls, she took her ballot and simply wrote on the bottom of it, “God bless you all!” We should not be like the lady who knew all the candidates in the small-town election and thought they were all such nice people that she could not choose among them.Our candidates do not want our blessings. They want our votes.
4. Arizona is a large state. Arizonans have plenty of living room.on a map, bordered by other western states, Arizona appears to be only of average size.Yet Arizona could absorb all six New England state, add Holland, and still have more than enough room to tuck in Switzerland. But the state’s polulation, although it is growing at a tremendous rate, is well below that of the city of Pittsburgh. population is only 638.000.
If you learn a new word every day, in a years time you will have 365 new source of power and pleasure .Look up the word genial in a dictionary before you leave school this afternoon.You’ll be on your way toward making yourself a master of word. The word will then be yours to keep. A good vocabulary, then, can give you a real sense of power and a feeling of pleasure. Why not start now? Use is correctly in conversation three times before tomorrow’s class.

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